Testicular Pain
Testicular Pain
Thousands of men suffer from a serious, disabling condition called Chronic Testicular Pain (CTP). CTP can be intermittent or constant. Most testicular pain is considered chronic if the patient has suffered from it for at least three months. Approximately 25 percent of testicular pain has no known cause and may be CTP. In some patients, the pain originates in the epididymis, a crescent-shaped organ around the testicle, responsible for sperm transport and storage. This condition can mimic chronic testicular pain.
CTP can interfere with normal, daily living and the ability to work. Anyone who has suffered CTP knows the frustration of going from doctor to doctor trying to find a treatment. Our urologists offer state-of-the-art treatments and are dedicated to helping patients who suffer from CTP so that they can regain their quality of life. Some testicular pain happens suddenly; other times, it develops slowly. It can also come and go. Sudden testicle pain can be the sign of an emergency and should be treated immediately. All testicular pain should be diagnosed as soon as possible.

Chronic Testicular Pain (CTP) pain can vary from person to person. Some men with CTP have constant pain, while others have pain that goes away and comes back periodically. Some men only have pain during activities, while others only have pain when the testicle is touched or examined. The pain may be in one testicle, in both, or change from side to side. In some men, bacterial epididymis is the cause for chronic testicular pain, but will usually be associated with signs and symptoms of urinary infection.
Men describe the sensations of CTP in many ways. It can feel like burning, aching, pressure, throbbing, heaviness, pulling, or a combination. It can also feel like a groin pull. Some men report that their CTP occurs in combination with lower back pain or pain in their upper thighs or legs.
Sexual activity can aggravate the pain. CTP may also worsen when sitting for long periods of time, such as at a desk job or driving a truck. Doing heavy lifting, manual work, or even swinging a golf club may trigger CTP in a person who is prone to it.
Additional Symptoms
The pain and discomfort may be accompanied by:
- Swelling and redness of the testicles and scrotum, if caused by infection
- Nausea or vomiting
- Fever, if caused by infection
- Painful or burning urination or penile discharge, if caused by infection
- Pain with intercourse or ejaculation
- Blood in semen or urine, usually related to infection
Causes of Chronic Testicular Pain
Many conditions can cause or result in chronic testicular pain. They range from trauma to infections of the testicle (called orchitis) or epididymis, where sperm is stored (called epididymitis), to post-surgical pain, hernia, torsion (twisting of the testicle), tumor, kidney stones, blockage, varicoceles, spermatoceles, hydroceles, benign cysts and more.
Sometimes, even after testicular pain with a known cause is treated properly, it does not go away, or it comes back and becomes chronic. Occasionally CTP will occur following surgery. For example, a condition known as nerve entrapment can sometimes occur from scar tissue following a hernia repair, resulting in CTP.
Most conditions that cause testicular pain are easily diagnosed and can be treated effectively through medication, surgery, and other therapies.