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Meet Cara

Growing up in Palm Beach, Florida, Cara received her bachelor’s degree in science from Vanderbilt University in 2005; she then attended Vanderbilt Nursing School in 2006 where she earned a Master of Science in Nursing. She began working at Urology Associates in 2007. Cara specializes in female urology, including but not limited to, interstitial cystitis, stress incontinence, and the placement of interstims, which Cara programs.

Catherine Kirkland NP

Call Cara’s Care Team 615-622-5045

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Getting to Know Cara

Cara was married in 2011 to her husband, Ryan Kirkland, and they have a dog named Molly that they enjoy walking. Cara loves to travel with her husband and visit their families in their home states of Florida and Kentucky. Cara also loves to spend her free time cooking, swimming, and going to the beach.

  • Favorite Books: “Loving What Is” by Byron Katie and “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett
  • Favorite Movies: “Sound of Music,” “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” and “Mamma Mia”