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Meet Dr. Rogman


Dr. Rogman joined Urology Associates, P.C., after completing his fellowship training at the Cleveland Clinic in Urologic Oncology. His clinical interests include prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, prostate enlargement, and robotic surgery. He has over 10 peer-reviewed publications and presentations in robotic procedures and post-prostatectomy incontinence.

After receiving his medical degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, Dr. Rogman completed his general surgery internship and urology residency at the University of Louisville. He was elected as Chief Resident at the University of Louisville before advancing to his fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida.

In 2023, Dr. Rogman was designated as a Center of Excellence for SpaceOAR™ Hydrogel – a device manufactured by Boston Scientific and designed to reduce the radiation dose delivered to the rectum during prostate cancer radiation treatment. Due to the rectum’s close proximity to the prostate, it can become unintentionally damaged during therapy, leading to issues with bowel function. SpaceOAR Hydrogel is designed to push the rectum away from the prostate, reducing the radiation dose delivered to the organ, which may lessen damage to the rectum. The Center of Excellence designation recognizes physicians with a high degree of experience applying SpaceOAR Hydrogel and a commitment to minimizing the impact on urinary, sexual,  and bowel quality of life for prostate cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy. Urology Associates is excited to offer this innovative technology to our patients through the skill and experience of our providers such as Dr. Rogman.

Dr. Rogman

Call Dr. Rogman’s Care Team 615-622-5016

Learn More About SpaceOAR Hydrogel

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Getting to Know Dr. Rogman

He enjoys running marathons, playing tennis, rock climbing, skiing, and traveling.

Other Involvements
  • American Urological Association
  • Center of Excellence for SpaceOAR™ Hydrogel