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Meet Dr. Johnson


Originally from Tacoma, Washington, Dr. Johnson joined Urology Associates in 2020. He graduated magna cum laude from Bethel University in Minnesota for his undergraduate degree. From there he attended Midwestern University/CCOM where he graduated with honors, finishing within the top 2% of his class. He also received the Anatomy achievement award and was inducted into the Gold Humanism Honors Society while at Midwestern University/CCOM. During his college and medical school career, Dr. Jonson was actively involved in community service, receiving multiple scholarships and awards. He also was active in research with several publications and presentations in areas of men’s health and renal oncology. Dr. Johnson became the Chief resident with the Franciscan Health Urology Program before joining Urology Associates.

Grant Johnson, DO

Call Dr. Johnson’s Care Team 615-622-5040


Patient Reviews

Getting to Know Dr. Johnson

Dr. Johnson and his wife have an 11-year-old Pekinese poodle named Lucy. They enjoy hiking, exercising, playing volleyball, and attending musical arts and theater, as well as watching Seattle Seahawks football and Chicago Cubs baseball.

  • Favorite Books: “Til We have Faces” by C.S. Lewis and “Born to Run” by C. McDougall
Care Philosophy

Through compassion, integrity, innovation, and teamwork, I am committed to providing convenient access to high-quality, cost-effective, and comprehensive patient-centered care that improves the urological health and wellness of my patients.

Other Involvements
  • American Urologic Association, member
  • American College of Osteopathic Surgeons, member