Are you a candidate for robotic surgery?

Generally, a urologist will recommend non-invasive treatment options to treat urologic conditions. However, some patients may require surgery. These may include those with kidney or prostate cancer, adrenal tumors, ureteral blockage, pelvic organ prolapse, and vesicovaginal fistula. Whenever possible, surgeons generally prefer to perform minimally invasive surgeries, such as with robot-assisted technology. Minimally invasive surgery offers many benefits, including a shorter recovery time and a reduced risk of complications. However, not everyone is a good candidate for robotic surgery.
Some of the contraindications for robotic surgery include severe obesity, bowel obstruction, and an inability to tolerate general anesthesia. Additionally, it may not be recommended for patients with severe pulmonary or cardiac disease, cirrhosis, peritoneal adhesions, or an uncorrectable bleeding tendency.
At Urology Associates, P.C., our surgeons are highly skilled in minimally invasive techniques, including robotic surgery. If you’ve been diagnosed with kidney stones or prostate cancer in Nashville, call our office at 888-245-0702. We also provide treatment for individuals with erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections.