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Man taking medicines

Typically, patients find that when they undergo cancer treatment, they must cope with lasting side effects. This is particularly true of men with prostate cancer who undergo a prostatectomy. A prostatectomy is surgery to remove part or all of the prostate gland. Although this type of cancer treatment can be effective for extending a man’s longevity, it carries a high risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Fortunately, there are treatment options available for men with ED. A urologist can design a penile rehabilitation program for men who have undergone prostatectomies.

Low Testosterone Treatment

The urologist may recommend doing some lab tests to determine if the patient has low testosterone levels. If so, treating low T can be helpful in overcoming erectile dysfunction. There are many options for treating low testosterone, including topical gels, implantable pellets, and self-administered injections. These are known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) products.

Oral Medications

For many men, oral medications are effective in preserving sexual health after a prostatectomy. Some oral medications include sildenafil, vardenafil, avanafil, and tadalafil. These medications work by boosting the effects of nitric oxide. This is a chemical that relaxes muscles to improve blood circulation, which enables men to get an erection when sexually aroused. Men should be careful to follow the dosage instructions carefully since they can vary from drug to drug. Before taking any new medications, it’s advisable to consult the physician about the possible side effects.

Intra-Urethral Suppositories

Intra-urethral suppositories are another option to treat ED after a prostatectomy. This involves placing the medication directly into the opening that is located at the tip of the penis. The medication, alprostadil, triggers the expansion of the blood vessels. The increased blood flow helps men get and maintain an erection.

At the Men’s Health Clinic at Urology Associates, P.C ., men will find a comprehensive range of healthcare services for sexual health in Nashville. Our urology team can design a penile rehabilitation program to help you cope with erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer. Contact our state-of-the-art clinic at 888-245-0702 and let us know how we can help you.