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The Men’s Health Clinic at Urology Associates, P.C., in Nashville offers a continuum of care to help men live life to the fullest. Watch this video to hear one of our dedicated providers talk about our bone health services. He explains that, although most patients with osteoporosis are female, many men are also affected by this serious problem—especially those who have received cancer treatment for prostate cancer.

It’s possible to have osteoporosis or osteopenia without realizing it. When you arrive at our Men’s Health Clinic, you can learn about any risk factors you may have. These might include a history of smoking, moderate to heavy alcohol use, and certain medical conditions. Urology Associates, P.C., offers rapid diagnostic services and comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis.

You can meet with a urologist in Tennessee by calling Urology Associates, P.C. at 888-245-0702. In addition to providing effective men’s bone health treatment, our expert team offers cancer treatment and male infertility treatment.