Common Sexual Health Problems in Young Women

Sexual health problems can refer to any issue that disrupts one of the four phases of the sexual response cycle. These phases are excitement or arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. It isn’t uncommon for a woman of any age to occasionally experience problems getting “in the mood.” When sexual health issues persist, it might be time to think about scheduling an appointment with a urologist to explore the possible underlying causes.
Sexual Arousal Disorder
Female sexual arousal disorder is often referred to as low libido. When a woman becomes sexually aroused, blood flow to the genitals is increased. This results in swelling of the labia and vaginal wall, and lubrication of the vagina. Sexual arousal involves both psychological and physical issues, which means that sexual arousal disorder is a particularly complex health problem. A urologist can look for underlying causes of sexual arousal disorder, which could include physical causes such as the hormonal changes of menopause, cancer treatments with chemotherapy, and other medical conditions. Psychological issues can also play a role, including a past history of sexual abuse or other trauma, a strict upbringing that influenced views on sexuality, mental illnesses, and unfavorable body image.
Orgasmic Disorder
As the term suggests, an orgasmic disorder is diagnosed when a woman has trouble reaching an orgasm or has unsatisfying orgasms. The physical problems that may contribute to orgasmic disorder include endometriosis, multiple sclerosis, diabetic neuropathy, and spinal cord injuries. An orgasmic disorder can also be the result of psychological issues, including fatigue, stress, boredom with sexual activity, and embarrassment about directing sexual stimulation.
Sexual Pain Disorder
Painful intercourse is known as dyspareunia. In some cases, sexual pain disorder is the result of childbirth. Childbirth causes a reduction in estrogen levels, which contributes to insufficient vaginal lubrication. Childbirth might also require an episiotomy, which traumatizes the area. Other possible causes of sexual pain disorder include endometriosis, uterine fibroids, stress, depression, and a history of sexual abuse.
Visit the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health at Urology Associates, P.C. to find out what has been causing your sexual dysfunction. Our Nashville team understands the complexities of female sexual dysfunction and can offer effective treatment recommendations. You can reach us at 888-245-0702 or visit us on the Web to find out more about sexual health issues.