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Female Doctor taking with patient

Neurogenic bladder occurs when the nerves that control bladder function don’t work properly. Depending on how the nerves are affected, patients with neurogenic bladder may experience overactive or underactive bladders. Because neurogenic bladder is so complicated, it’s important for patients to receive treatment from a urologist with experience with the condition. If you have been diagnosed with a neurogenic bladder or suspect you are having symptoms that could be caused by the condition, here are the facts you need to know.

Neurogenic bladder is usually caused by other medical conditions.

There are several conditions that increase the risk of developing neurogenic bladder, including:

  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Congenital birth defects that affect the spine
  • Multiple sclerosis

Anything that damages the nerves that help to control the bladder or that interferes with the communication between those nerves and the brain can lead to neurogenic bladder.

Both overactive and underactive bladder symptoms are possible.

In some people with neurogenic bladders, the nerves cause the bladder to squeeze more often than normal, causing urge incontinence. In other instances, the nerves may become underactive, which causes urine to build up and eventually leak. Some people experience both overactive and underactive bladder symptoms. The neurogenic bladder also often causes an increase in urinary tract infections.

Multiple treatments are available.

Neurogenic bladder can cause anxiety and depression for sufferers, who worry about the impacts of incontinence on their everyday activities. Fortunately, there are many treatment options available. An experienced neurologist can help sufferers from the right combination of lifestyle changes and medications to get relief. Surgical treatment is also helpful for people with severe symptoms.

At Urology Associates, P.C., our urologists offer both non-invasive and surgical treatments for a range of urological conditions, including extensive treatments for incontinence throughout Tennessee. For more information or to make an appointment, call 888-245-0702.