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Get the Answers to Your Questions About Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia

After you undergo a prostate biopsy, the pathologist will study the tissue in a lab, and develop a report of the findings. One of those findings might possibly be prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Your urologist will discuss PIN and any other abnormalities in the pathology report. You should feel free to ask as many questions as you need in order to fully understand your diagnosis and the next steps to take.

Does Pin Mean I Have Prostate Cancer?

A PIN is not the same thing as cancer. However, it can be a precancerous condition. Ask your urologist whether you have a low-grade or high-grade PIN. The low-grade PIN does not appear to increase the risk of prostate cancer. It’s possible that high-grade PIN does raise the risk of cancer. Know that even if you do have a high-grade PIN, this doesn’t mean you’ll definitely develop cancer—many men with PIN don’t.

What Exactly Is PIN?

The broad definition of the PIN is simply that some of the cells in the prostate have started to look and function in abnormal ways. These abnormal cells can be found in the lining of the duct that transports semen, and in the lining of miniscule sacs that help produce the semen. PIN involves the abnormal changes in the epithelial cells that line these areas, but they don’t affect the actual lining. This is quite different from prostate cancer, which ruptures the epithelial lining.

What Happens Next?

Most men with PIN don’t need treatment, but they may have their prostate health monitored during the coming years. Talk to your urologist about whether active surveillance is an appropriate option for you. If so, you might undergo additional prostate biopsies at routine intervals. For the first two years, you might have a biopsy every three or six months. Afterward, you might have a biopsy every year for life. Your recommendations will be customized to accommodate your unique health situation.

Urology Associates P.C. provides supportive care for men facing prostate disorders in Tennessee. If you’ve been diagnosed with a PIN and you’re confused about what this means for your future, schedule a consult with one of our highly trained urologists. Call 888-245-0702.