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Urology Associates’ WISH (Women’s Institute for Sexual Health) is pleased to introduce a leading edge treatment to their practice to improve vaginal health issues often caused by menopause and drug-induced suppression of ovarian function as a result of chemotherapy treatments from cancer. MonaLisa Touch, an in-office procedure that is virtually painless and requires no anesthesia, recently received FDA clearance.

“This breakthrough procedure improves symptoms including dryness, pain, itching, painful urination, and painful intercourse as early as the first treatment,” said Marcy Abel, M.D., FPMRS, who serves as the medical director for (WISH).

Brooke Faught, MSN, WHNP-BC, IF, and Vikki Pedigo, MSN, WHNP-BC offer the latest technology available to diagnose and treat alterations in normal sexual function in the WISH program that was developed over ten years ago. “MonaLisa Touch is a real breakthrough for feminine health,” stated Faught. “It offers a quick and painless remedy for a medical condition with a large unmet need for an effective treatment option. Traditional treatments do not always prove effective, so I am grateful I am able to offer my patients an alternative.”

Faught and Pedigo are among the first in the middle Tennessee area to offer the special fractional CO2 laser specifically designed to help postmenopausal women as well as breast cancer survivors.

For more information on MonaLisa Touch, please visit our website or call us at 888-245-0702.