What causes female pelvic pain?

If you’re suffering from female pelvic pain, you should visit a urologist near you as soon as possible. Female pelvic pain may be a symptom of a variety of different health conditions, and some of them can be serious. Here is a look at some of the most common causes of female pelvic pain.
Urinary Tract Infections
Urinary tract infections occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract through the urethra and multiply in the bladder. UTI symptoms include a strong urge to urinate, a burning sensation or pain when urinating, discolored or strong-smelling urine, pelvic pain in the center of the pelvis around the pubic bone, and passing small amounts of urine frequently. If you don’t visit a urologist for UTI treatment, the infection can spread to your kidneys.
Disorders of the Reproductive System
There are a number of health problems that can occur in the female reproductive system whose symptoms include pelvic pain. Uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts are very common—and generally benign—causes of pelvic pain. Ovarian cancer can also cause pelvic pain along with other severe symptoms. An ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage may result in pelvic pain and should be investigated by a gynecologist, obstetrician, or doctor immediately. A pelvic inflammatory disease is another common cause of pelvic pain.
Kidney Stones
Kidney stones are small mineral deposits that form in the kidneys and can affect the urinary tract and bladder. There is not always a single, identifiable cause for kidney stones. Common symptoms of kidney stones include severe pain in the side and back, abdominal and pelvic pain, painful urination, discolored urine, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, frequent urination, fever, and chills. Your urologist can provide kidney stone treatment, which may include antibiotics, pain relievers, or surgery.
If you’re looking for a urologist near Nashville who can provide safe, effective pelvic pain, kidney stone, or UTI treatment, come see us at Urology Associates, P.C. Our urologists have extensive experience in treating and diagnosing the causes of female pelvic pain. To schedule a urology appointment, call us today at 888-245-0702.