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Doctor taking with patient

In order to maintain your personal health, it’s important to visit a men’s health clinic regularly for urology services. At Urology Associates, P.C., we offer comprehensive urological services, including erectile dysfunction treatment, male infertility treatment, cancer treatment, and treatment for incontinence, kidney stones, and low libido. Here is a look at our men’s health clinic and how it can help you improve your physical and sexual health.

Penile Rehab Center

Sexual dysfunction can significantly impact your emotional health and your personal relationships. Our penile rehab center provides effective treatment for erectile dysfunction, impotence, low libido, and male infertility. We also provide pre-and post-prostatectomy rehab. Our treatment methods include medications, intra-urethral suppositories, vacuum erection devices, self-administered penile injections, and implantable penile prosthesis surgeries. We can also diagnose and investigate the causes of low testosterone levels and provide the appropriate treatment.

Clinical Trials

Our urologists actively participate in advanced medical research and offer clinical trials to qualified patients for new drugs, devices, and treatments. All of the drugs that we administer during clinical trials are safe, and the data collected during trials is submitted to pharmaceutical and biotech companies for presentation to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Our clinical trials focus on the treatment of prostate cancer, bladder cancer, erectile dysfunction, incontinence, osteoporosis, chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, overactive bladder, interstitial cystitis, and high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia.

Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer, and Kidney Cancer Treatment

We offer a state-of-the-art cancer treatment center that provides prostate cancer, bladder cancer, and kidney cancer treatments. The sooner that cancer is detected and diagnosed, the better chances you have that your treatment will be successful. Our medical professionals work closely with patients to develop a treatment plan that works for them.

If you’re in need of cancer treatment or male infertility treatment in Tennessee, come to see us at Urology Associates, P.C. Our experienced urologists can identify the source of your problem and provide safe, effective, and comprehensive treatment for a range of conditions. To schedule an appointment with us, call us today at 888-245-0702.