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Women having stomach pain

Hematuria is the medical term for bloody urine. It’s always alarming to see blood in your urine, although the underlying cause might not necessarily be too serious. However, you should always see a doctor for an evaluation as you may require medical treatment. Your family physician can refer you to a urologist for medical testing and a comprehensive exam.

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) can affect both men and women, although women are at a higher risk. Usually, the urethra or bladder is affected by this bacterial infection. Since the infection is caused by bacteria, a urologist may prescribe antibiotics. In addition to blood in the urine, a UTI can cause pelvic pain or pressure, persistent urges to urinate, and the frequent passing of small amounts of urine.

Kidney Infection

UTIs aren’t always limited to the urethra or bladder. If the bacteria infect the kidneys, the consequences can be serious. Unless you seek prompt medical care for a kidney infection, it’s possible to sustain permanent kidney damage or sepsis. A kidney infection can cause the same symptoms as a UTI, but it will also cause fever, chills, nausea, or vomiting. Pain can develop in the back, side, or abdomen.

Kidney or Bladder Stones

Urine contains minerals. Over time, these minerals can crystallize on the kidney or bladder walls. The crystals can then gradually form either kidney or bladder stones, which are hardened deposits. Patients often don’t experience symptoms like pain and bloody urine unless the stones start to shift around or cause a blockage. When this happens, the pain can be excruciating.


There’s a possibility that blood in the urine can indicate cancer of the prostate, kidneys, or bladder. Symptoms of these cancers may not appear until the disease is already at an advanced stage. If the urologist has ruled out all other possibilities of bloody urine, he or she may request some tests to check for cancer.

When you’re experiencing troubling symptoms, you need to know that your health is in good hands. Come in and talk with the specialists at Urology Associates, P.C. You can schedule an appointment with a urologist in Tennessee by calling 888-245-0702.