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Female Doctor taking with patient

The Women’s Institute for Sexual Health, WISH, a division of Urology Associates, P.C., is committed to dispelling myths about women and sexual health and helping women of all ages reclaim their sexual well-being. Our unique approach makes a dramatic difference in your health and leaves you feeling empowered to be an active participant in your care.

At WISH, we help women deal with issues associated with sexual function and pelvic conditions. Our multidisciplinary team of providers works in close conjunction with other women’s health partners throughout the community including gynecologists, psychologists, and physical therapists. We are committed to education, holistic care, and progressive treatments that allow women to embrace their sexual health and feel their best.

Lowered libido, diminished sexual functioning, and incontinence is not normal parts of life for women. Reclaim your health by making an appointment at WISH, a division of Urology Associates, P.C., in Nashville or Franklin, TN. Schedule your consultation today by calling 888-245-0702.